Friday, April 10, 2009

Everything happens for a good cause !

I'm coming to terms with the fact that things don’t always happen in life as we plan it, more than a month after the declaration of the mains result.

I was indeed better prepared to deal with the negative results this time around when compared to my earlier attempt, but it still hurts a great deal.

An immediate reassuring reasoning that helped me was that it could have been worse if I had gone to the interview stage and not made it in the final list. Last year, the final results of the civil services were out just a day before the prelims of this year were scheduled.
I can’t even imagine what would have gone through the minds of all those who attended last year’s interview and did not find a place in the final list

One of the most comforting and soothing mails I received was quoting the Bhagvat Gita saying that everything happens for a good cause and that when a door closes another one opens.

Just three days later the final results of a major public sector bank was out and it lessened the pain. But it still is only a very small consolation.

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